How to Pick the Right Roofing Material for Your Home

Many homeowners approach a roof replacement project by assuming they will simply get the same type of roof…just a new one.  While this can be an appropriate option, there may be reasons to consider other roofing types and materials.  State Roofing is an expert Seattle area roofer and can help walk you through material options including the latest materials, eco-friendly options and of course budget options.

Roofing Material

Picking the right roofing material for your home is best done with the guidance of an expert.  Here are our main points to consider when choosing a roofing material.

Durability and Resilience

The overall performance of your new roof is your most important consideration. If you want to make the most out of your new investment, you should pick a roofing material that takes a long time before it requires roof repair. While asphalt shingles remain a solid choice, there are roofing materials out there with higher overall durability, such as metal and slate.

Balance Upfront and Long-Term Costs

Cost is another important consideration when picking a new roofing material for your home. Upfront costs rightfully takes priority for most homeowners, but make sure to think of the long-term costs as well. Metal roofs, for example, cost more than your standard asphalt shingles. However, they don’t require as much maintenance and repair throughout their service life. As a result, they are actually more affordable in the long run.

Style and Aesthetics

Finally, you should also keep in mind what your roof will actually look like. Since all roof materials generally do the same job, the style and texture options of your new roof can help you decide which one to settle on. Asphalt shingles remain a top choice since some types can replicate the look of natural wood, but slate and metal roofs are fast becoming a viable alternative since they have an extended color and texture palette compared to asphalt.

State Roofing professionally installs roofing systems and decks. Call us today at (360) 794-7164 and learn how we can help you pick the right roof for your home. We offer complete roofing services throughout Seattle, Tacoma, Bothell, Everett, and the surrounding areas.


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